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KNAC interview with Jimi Bell


A House United: An Exclusive Interview With JIMI BELL Of DEMONS DOWN

By: George Dionne, Podcaster on Friday, March 3, 2023 @ 10:30 AM

“1999 was the last time I was in the studio with everybody in the same room.”

Former ANGEL keyboardist Gregg Giuffria formed HOUSE OF LORDS in 1987 after the band bearing his name GIUFFRIA disbanded. Disbanded is a polite way to put it I suppose. If you dig deep, you can find out more about why the band name was changed and members were shuffled.

The debut incarnation of HOUSE OF LORDS featured Gregg Giuffria, vocalist James Christian, guitarist Lanny Cordola (GIUFFRIA), bassist Chuck Wright (QUIET RIOT, GIUFFRIA), and drummer Ken Mary (FIFTH ANGEL, CHASTAIN). The band released three studio albums before calling it a day.

HOUSE OF LORDS reformed with James Christian at the helm in 2004. Giuffria gave his blessing. Guitarist Jimi Bell joined the group for their 2006 release World Upside Down and has been by Christian’s side for the eight albums that followed, including last year’s Saints & Sinners release.

In 2022, Frontiers Music came up with the idea of combining the legacy of HOUSE OF LORDS with the enduring present of the band.

DEMONS DOWN features original members Chuck Wright and Ken Mary, teaming up with current member Jimi Bell>. The trio is joined by up-and-coming guitarist Francesco Savino (FALSE MEMORIES) and vocal powerhouse James Robledo (SINNERS BLOOD) for their 2023 debut I Stand.

Guitarist Jimi Bell is not only laying it down with HOUSE OF LORDS and DEMONS DOWN, but he also writes, records, and performs with the current version of AUTOGRAPH (among other projects!). I had the chance to catch up with Bell prior to the release of I Stand by DEMONS DOWN.

Highlights include:

- How the project came together - Discussion of new album I Stand - Capturing the classic sound of HOUSE OF LORDS - Recording remotely - Will DEMONS DOWN be able to play live shows? - Joining HOUSE OF LORDS in 2005 - Why Gregg Guiffria never re-joined the band - Memories of his AUTOGRAPH bandmate Randy Rand - Avoiding the drama that ensued within the band - Keeping himself open & available for other projects

- Joining AUTOGRAPH in August 2019 - His BEYOND PURPLE tribute band - Involvement with the LOST SYMPHONY - Upcoming EMERALD SABBATH project - His induction to the New England Music Hall of Fame - Working with the WWE & Jim Johnston on event and entrance music - Inventing the SHREDNECK guitar exercise tool - Is “shred” guitar a dying art And much, much more!


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